General objective: Define a proposal for an institutional and inter-institutional Regulatory Framework and the processes between Panama and Costa Rica, including integrated manuals of procedures, organization, and functions for the management of the Border Posts that regulate everything related to the management coordinated and integrated borders according to the nature and technical competence of each Institution.
Specific objective: 1 Implement the Framework Agreement for the Implementation of the Integrated Control System Binational at the border crossings between Panama and Costa Rica.
2. Define the legal and regulatory framework between Panama and Costa Rica that allows establishing a double-header border crossing under the Integrated Control Center scheme at Paso Canoa, a single head integrated control center located in Guabito and a single head integrated control located in Rio Sereno in Costa Rica.
3. Define a proposal of instruments that allow the implementation of management processes border coordination of the border posts between Panama and Costa Rica, including regulatory framework and processes.