The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is:
• To raise awareness about the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa and communicate effectively its main achievements and benefits to the people of South Sudan.
The purposes of this contract are as follows:
• To increase country wide knowledge and understanding within the South Sudanese public about the EU’s support to South Sudan in general and in particular on support via the Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), its interventions and benefits to the country and its population;
• To communicate effectively on above through an improved knowledge of the benefits of the EU’s development assistance and the particular interventions financed by the Fund and to convey appropriate messages to the targeted audience;
• Building upon the achievements and lessons learnt of EU’s ongoing support, in particular EUTF’s projects, ensure visibility about Team ope Initiatives (joint EU and EU Member States actions) and other future EU support to be adopted in the context of EU’s post 2020 programming;
• To increase acceptance of the EU in South Sudan and aid workers involved in EU activities.