On April 29, 2016, Loan Contract No. 3546/OC-PE was signed with the Inter-American Development Bank – IDB, the execution of which is in charge of Executing Unit 005: Single Window for Foreign Trade – Second Stage in the Bidding Document 035: MINCETUR (hereinafter THE PROJECT) whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of the Peruvian tradable sector so that foreign trade agents face competitive operating costs.
The Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCE) of Peru was started with the purpose of solving the inefficient access channels that the operators had to the State entities, in charge of processing the permits and authorizations for the trade of the so-called restricted goods.
The objectives of the first stage of the VUCE (2010-2016) were to reduce waiting times for users to obtain said Permits and Authorizations, their travel costs, as well as delays and rejections of applications. .
As part of the second stage of the Single Window for Foreign Trade, the implementation of the “Foreign Trade Logistics Observatory” has been planned, in order to improve and provide relevant information regarding the necessary logistics, either for export or export purposes. import, considering all means of transport used by foreign trade operators.