Background & Objectives
The Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme2014-2020, approved by the European Commission on 7 September 2015 (decision C(2015)6228), is part of the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) network. ETC programmesaim to create a common identity, integrated space, balanced development, and improved policies and governance through cross-border cooperation (CBC). This programmefollows the 2007-2013 Hungary-Croatia IPA CBC Programmeand is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), adhering to European Cohesion Policy principles and best practices
- Audit Planning: Develop audit strategy and strategic audit plan as per the Audit Authority (AA).
- Conduct Audits: Perform operational and system audits, including desk-based and on-the-spot audits.
- Coordinate Audit Activities: Manage and coordinate all audit-related activities.
- Prepare Audit Reports: Draft and finalize comprehensive audit reports.
- Follow-Up: Conduct follow-up activities based on previous audit recommendations.
- Quality Assurance: Ensure quality assurance throughout the audit process.
- Compliance Verification: Confirm that payments certified and declared to the European Commission were regular.
- Legislation Adherence: Ensure project implementation complies with relevant legislation, internal rules, and subsidy contracts.
- Audit Trail Compliance: Verify adherence to the audit trail.
- Recommendation Implementation: Assess the follow-up on measures recommended by previous audits.
- Second-Level Audit Compliance: Perform audits in line with Community and national legislation, International Standards on Auditing (ISA), and the Audit Manual.