Development of an action plan for the creation of a MNV system, creation of the MNV System (detailed MNV) and development of a Burkina Faso MNV reference scenario for the Forest Investment Programme (FIP)


Climate Change, Environment & Renewable Energy


Burkina Faso

05/2017 - 06/2020

Economie Verte et Changement Climatique - Burkina Faso

559,290 €

While the country has made good progress in generating information to develop the Forest Reference Level (FREL/FRL) and the design of the Mesure Notification Level (MNV) system, there are still shortcomings which prevent the establishment of the FREL/FRL and the MNV system. The overall goal of the study (financed by the PGFC) is to remove the shortcomings (no map of changes in forest cover and no model to quantify the loss of SOC due to deforestation) and use existing information to establish a FREL/FRL.