Sustainable Business – A Circular, Inclusive Economy – ACT-60645Establishing an enabling environment for the development of a Circular Economy in Peru

Climate Change, Environment & Renewable Energy, Economic Development,



01/02/2024 - 01/02/2027



Background & Objectives

Peru has advanced towards a circular economy with policy approvals and EU collaboration. Challenges include weak regulatory frameworks, limited coordination, low institutional capacities, and lack of fiscal incentives for ecological practices. The EU’s 2021-2027 cooperation plan is vital. Key improvements needed are stronger circular economy education and greater civil society participation. Sustained efforts are essential for a successful transition.


Objective 1 Activities:

Review frameworks and consult stakeholders.

Develop national strategy and sectoral roadmaps.

Establish incentives for circular economy practices.

Promote green finance.

Implementation Support:

Coordinate technical assistance and communication.

Monitor operational and financial plans.

Develop monitoring and reporting systems.

Sustainability and Dissemination:

Ensure project sustainability and comply with EU communication.

Facilitate knowledge exchange on


Circular Economy Framework:

Develop policies and laws, integrating sector-specific roadmaps.

Establish regulatory mechanisms and incentives, addressing green finance limitations.

Sustainable Food Production:

Implement “Farm to Table” strategy aligned with EU Green Pact.

Promote circular value chains and enhance resilience of food systems.

Communication and Visibility:

Execute communication strategy with EU Delegation and contractors..

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