On-site technical assistance to the EU chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear Centres of Excellence regional secretariats – P94


Climate Change, Environment & Renewable Energy


01/02/2023 - 01/02/2026



Background & Objectives

  • The project aims to address global and trans-regional   threats by enhancing governance and cooperation on Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear   (CBRN) risk prevention, detection and mitigation, focusing on partner countries lacking comprehensive CBRN risk mitigation policies
  • The specific objective is to improve the detection and mitigation of risks related to CBRN materials or agents and risks related to installations or sites through the EU CBRN Centres of Excellence (CoE) Initiative and associated actions
  • The project supports partner countries in performing comprehensive needs assessments, updating national action plans, prioritizing needs and identifying fund-raising opportunities to promote a CBRN security and safety culture


  • AESA aids towards the strengthening of national CBRN risk governance, including needs assessment project prioritization, and cooperation with international   organizations
  • It foster regional cooperation by formulating action plans, facilitating round table meetings and supporting   technical assistance
  • AESA provides local technical assistance for CoE projects, including knowledge transfer, sustainability   assessment and overcoming implementation challenges
  • It coordinate and manage activities, share best practices, streamline methodologies, analyse emerging threats and contribute to strategy formulation


  • The project expects to achieve effective CBRN risk mitigation and security governance through the EUCBRN Centres of Excellence initiative, strengthening cooperation among partners within regions and between different regions
  • Increased capacity of partner countries to address   safety and security challenges related to biological threats and CBRN-related disaster relief is anticipated
  • The project aims to contribute to the exchange of best practices, lessons learned, and the dissemination of relevant information among OSA expert teams, harmonizing methodologies and providing recommendations to the Contracting Authority for CBRN-related strategies

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